Our spaceliner will be flown remotely by strapping on a couple of jets engines, a fuel tank, the fuel lines, electrical, APU, etc. But if our spaceliner has Bingoed to another airport, how do we get all of the jet hardware there?

We will need a cargo aircraft that is capable of carrying such a load. Military cargo aircraft would be the best, since they are easier to offload/on–load cargo. Since military aircraft are generally not for sale, we will concentrate our efforts instead on acquiring retired military aircraft.

There are many aircraft available from the Aerospace Maintenance and Regenerative Center (AMARC) located in Tucson, AZ (Image A) to choose from. We will purchase fifteen Lockheed C–5A Galaxy aircraft (Image B).
Image A: The Emblem of the AMARC
As of this writing, there are 57 units available in this preservative dry environment. We are additionally most fortunate that Tucson is located relatively next door to Spaceport America. This will become handy when it is time to fly six units out of there.

Image B: The mighty C-5 Galaxy cargo aircraft
The Prime Flightcrew will include:
  • (1) Pilot in Command (PIC)
  • (1) Copilot
  • (1) Flight Engineer 1
  • (1) Flight Engineer 2
  • (1) Loadmaster
Total flightcrew aboard: 5

When in Ferry Mode, five additional personnel will be added.
  • (1) VentureStar PIC
  • (1) VentureStar Pilot
  • (3) VentureStar A&P Mechanics
Total ferry crew aboard: 5.

Total crew aboard: 10

The aircraft has an upper deck and a lower deck, with the upper deck split in two (Image C). The lower deck is all cargo, with cargo doors installed in the forward and aft sections (the nose of the aircraft raises up to expose the cargo hold). The forward upper deck houses the cockpit, and the aft upper deck is for troops.

Image C: C-5A Galaxy Cutaway
Our idea is to hire an interior decorator to redo the upper sections of the aircraft so that the crew can live inside the aircraft during their time away (Image D).

The aft upper deck should only contain 5 mini apartments. Each apartment will include a buck bed, and a 3/4–bathroom (shower, toilet, an sink). The bottom bunk will be a desk and chair.

The aft section will be the galley with a picnic–style table.

The forward upper deck should include a commons area that includes couches, chairs, and a movie section with a big screen TV, etc.

Image D: Updated Interior View of the C-5A Galaxy Aircraft


During Ferry Mode, the Cargo Hold of the aircraft will carry ground equipment and vehicles to the Bingo site. The loaded cargo will include:
  • (2) Van–style automobiles that can seat eight
  • (4) Four–Wheelers
  • (3) CF6 Tubofan Engines
  • (1) Towbar–less aircraft tug
  • (2) Portable electric power generators
  • (1) Portable Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
  • (1) Hydraulic lifter
  • (1) Portable VentureStar Cockpit Simulator

The portable simulator will be loaded in the forward section of the C-5A aircraft. The VentureStar pilots will ferry the spacecraft home whilst flying in drone mode from within the C-5A aircraft itself.

Two military–grade portable power generators (Image E) will be used to supply electric power for overnight stays at the Bingo site.

Image E: An example of a portable power generator
A towbar–less aircraft tug will help to move the VentureStar around (Image F). Four four–wheelers (Image G) will be used by the VentureStar CCs to wing–walk during ground transportation.

Image F: An example of a towbar-less aircraft pushback tug

Image G: An example of a 4-wheel ground vehicle
Finally, we will carry two CF6-80C2K1F tubofan jet engines (Image H), which are the powerplants of the C–5A Galaxy. We will acquire the engines though the AMARC. These engines will be attached to the VentureStar spacecraft while in Ferry Mode.

Image H: The CF6 turbofan engine attached to the C-5A Galaxy aircraft
The C-5A Galaxy allows us to fetch a wayward VentureStar that has landed in another part of the planet.
